Start-up Financing for Horizon Europe

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports prospective coordinators while preparing applications for the clusters within Pillar II of Horizon Europe.

An EU flag is blowing in the wind against a slightly cloudy sky.

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At the start of Horizon Europe - the ninth EU research and innovation framework programme – the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research designed a support programme to encourage the participation of German research and innovation actors in the programme. The funding initiative supports consortium building and preparation for European collaborative research within Pillar II of Horizon Europe. Prospective coordinators can be funded for up to twelve months.

The funding initiative aims to give German researchers both the opportunity and incentives to further develop their work in European consortia. In particular, it addresses distinguished institutions without previous coordination experience in European collaborative projects and corresponding European networks in addition to supporting them in expanding their European networks. German researchers’ and their institutions’ ability to network optimally forms the basis of one of the European Research Area’s priorities, namely the formation of a true single knowledge market.

The funding guidelines support the development of EU projects and research cooperation within the thematic clusters of Pillar II of Horizon Europe. The clusters' topics highlight the major global challenges that Europe wants to tackle and range from digitization and health to climate and energy.

The funding scheme is part of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research's funding programme "The European Innovation Union – Germany’s Commitment for the European Research Area". The programme strengthens joint European research and innovation.

The funding announcement is open until September 2023. German research and higher education institutions as well as small and medium-sized German enterprises and other institutions performing research are eligible to apply.

The Funding Guidelines – the Most Important Facts in Short

German universities, research institutions, municipalities as well as small and medium-sized enterprises can apply to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for funding of up to 50,000 euros over a maximum period of twelve months to establish and coordinate a consortium and prepare a proposal for collaborative projects in Horizon Europe’s Pillar II "Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness" together with research partners. Proposals prepared for collaborative projects within European partnerships that are thematically relevant to Pillar II are also eligible.